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Signature Makeover Workshop (Train the Trainer)
Introduction to hosting the workshops
Strategic Overview by Bart Baggett (11:20)
Download and Customize the most current Signature Makeover Workshop for Authorized Mentors Powerpoint Version 9.2
Hosting & Presenting Procedures for the Live Class
How to host your first class on zoom with no problems. (4:36)
1 Mistake When Using Powerpoint to Avoid
How to show your powerpoint slides properly while on Zoom. (5:04)
Why the Testimonial video is effective (7:17)
The Testimonial Video. How to use it to increase sales at the end. (30:23)
The psychology of the pre-class testimonial pre-roll video (4:56)
The pre-class countdown video. Download here. (14:45)
Look Great. Sound Great. (8:22)
Part One: The Introduction. The first 20 minutes. How to start the class and establish a hook, credibility, authority, and interest.
Overview for Trainers. The psychology of the introduction slides and Edification (10:32)
Why your first origin story is essential to closing sales 85 minutes later. (11:42)
Tell your own origin story (epiphany bridge). (21:09)
Another Perspective on the Origin Story (Sagi Shrieber)
First 15 Minutes of Class. Building Rapport and Connection. Hosted by Bart Baggett (15:33)
First 20 Minutes of Class. Seeding The Program and Establishing Authority. Hosted by Pooja Saran (New and Updated August 2020) (18:46)
Part Two: of the Presentation. Before the Signature Demonstration.
How to Present the Part One of the Slide Presentation in Under 25 Minutes (8:28)
New Slide: "We are not doing your entire handwriting tonight"
The Two Paths Slide Professional or Personal (1:12)
The psychology behind the next group of slides. (10:13)
Payment Method Slide
Part 4: The Five Trouble Traits in Signatures
Live Class Replay: The Scribbled Signature. Class replay hosted by Pooja Saran (2:31)
Increase Confidence Size of Capital Letters by Pooja Saran
Live Class Replay: The Traceback Signature: Replay hosted by Pooja Saran (1:23)
Self Sabotage Slide by Pooja Saran
Circled Letters Slide by Pooja Saran
Live Class Replay: The 5 Traits to Avoid Slides by Bart Baggett 7 minutes (7:53)
Part 5:The Demonstration. Live on the Spot Signature analysis - Video Replays of past classes
Live Signature Makeover: Maria Urias 8:19 minutes (8:19)
Live Signature Makeover - Tara Rosenberg 5:00 minutes (4:59)
Live Signature Makeover - Seda 2:25 minutes (2:25)
Live Signature Makeover Elumania 3:37 minutes (3:36)
Live Signature Makeover Marissa Angiers 7:22 minutes (7:22)
Live Signature Makeover - Jasmita Ajuha 3:19 minutes (3:18)
Live Signature Makeover - Hatim Dargahwala 3:16 minutes (3:15)
Live Signature Makeover - Sunita 5:21 minutes (5:20)
Live Signature Makeover Diana Paun 3:02 minutes (3:27)
Live Signature Makeover: Nidh Shree - Signature Makeover 9:04 minutes (9:04)
Live Signature Analysis - Albin Joseph 4:29 minutes (4:29)
Live Signature Makeover Michael from Germany 5:17 minutes (5:36)
Live Signature Makeover - Richa Aggarwal 2:37 minutes (2:36)
Live Signature Makeover - Ending Conversation- Josh 12:21 minutes (12:20)
Live Signature Makeover - Shweta 4:33 minutes (4:32)
Live Signature Makeover - Angele Jackson 3:50 minutes (3:50)
Live Signature Makeover - Jamil 6:04 minutes (6:04)
Managing a Full Class with On The Spot Analysis 40 Minute Partial Replay by Pooja Saran (39:57)
The Psychology of Your Four Stories and how to make them unique to you.
The Hook, The Story, The Offer (12:58)
The other 3 Stories Designed to Break Beliefs and Overcome Objections
Part 6: The Close The Enrollment Process. Psychology of Sales
Why This Model Works. The Psychology behind the methodology. (9:18)
Are you selling Mild Improvement or a New Opportunity (6:14)
Pricing Strategy and The Psychology of the One Time Offer with The STACK method.
The Fast Action Discount Deadline and Revised Offer
New Slide: The Money Back Guarantee
Your sales page. Where do they go to pay you?
New Slide: " Good news and Bad News"
The "take away" set up for the Certification Course upsell
The importance of honoring the 90 minute class time schedule. (16:05)
How to Destroy Your Sales with One Slide
8 Sales Tricks Summary of Presentation Tactics Part One (62:41)
8 Sales Tricks Summary of Presentation Tactics Part Two (36:35)
Managing your Registrations and Confirmations in Accuity and What's App/Text
Scheduled for your first class? Watch this tutorial about how to use zoom and acuity scheduler (11:05)
How to handle duplicate registrations.
How to use WHATS APP to get 70% show up RATE and collect Signatures
Procedures using tracking Attendance (1:49)
Sign This Agreement before we schedule you.
Agreements and Paperwork with Authorizes You to Teach This under the Handwriting University Brand
2021 Teachers schedule
The Final Exam. (4:44)
Why This Model Works. The Psychology behind the methodology.
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