2 Hour fast course on the key principles of Signature Makeover from two of the world's top experts.
The collegiate level course to master psychology through handwriting analysis for counseling, coaching,, human resources, and true personal transformation.
How to get started as a new speaker sharing handwriting analysis.
How to get started as a new Handwriting University Authorized Mentor
A 7 Day Mini-Course on Understanding Personality Through Handwriting
301, 401 and all books related to certification course. 401 included.
9 Key Handwriting Traits that help you trust people or spot dishonesty and poor ethics.
Beginner's Success and Transformation Course Through Psychology and Handwriting Analysis
Handwriting Analysis Interactive Trait Dictionary - Level 201
How to attract and hire the best employees using this step-by-step screening method with fewer interviews, less effort, no phone calls, and no hiring headaches.
Designing Your Life Without Shyness, Self-Consciousness, or Fear of Rejection
Become a PRISM Life Design & Life Assessment Consultant through this in depth counselor's training course.
A Guided Meditation To Achieve Any Goal Faster Using The Power of Your Unconscious Mind.
This is Bart Baggett's 1st book. It applies the principles of handwriting analysis to loving relationships and dating.
How to Use PRISM Life Design Strategies to Create Wealth, Success, and Happiness
Get certified as a forensic handwriting expert in the world's only 2 year distance learning program.
How to Get What You Want in Half The Time.
Guided Meditation Confidence Audio and Video Program
Instant Access to Unstoppable You 24 module program by Bart Baggett with 3 N.A.T Guided Meditation Bonuses Courses. $290 Value